Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Comment Wall

Hey, guys! Leave comments here!

Thrive, by Switchfoot 

This song just makes my soul happy, and the lyrics match my feelings about life: "I want to thrive, not just survive." I used to listen to this album while I rode my bike down the country roads behind my dad's house, and hearing it makes me think of the early summer mornings I watched the sun rise over Oklahoma fields. I love it. Switchfoot is also my favorite band, and my best friend's. She danced to this song at her senior recital, and it was beautiful.


  1. Hi again! First off, I love the meme you posted on your comment wall... The Office is one of my favorite shows!
    To answer a question you asked on my blog, yes traveling to Brazil was awesome! I love that your sister-in-law got to bring a Brazilian student here, I bet the culture shock for him/her was as intense as it was for me going there. I'm a pretty picky eater so the food in Brazil was way outside of my comfort zone. I did try lots of things, this fruit called acai was fabulous. It was made into like a frozen yogurt texture and it was bright purple; plus its a super food that is supposed to be really good for you. I wish we had it fresh here in the U.S.

  2. Hi Chandler! I was so excited to read your Storybook project, and I will definitely be checking back in later in the semester after reading your introduction! It definitely was everything I was hoping to see after reading your title. I was a little confused at first with the point of view that you took, but then everything came together and really had me hooked. I love the little unsolved mysteries in history, so I think it's really exciting that you chose to discuss these with your project. The only one I had even heard of was Stonehenge, so it'll be great to learn a little while reading through your storybook! I think other people will also really enjoy getting to hear a little about these, especially if they are unfamiliar with a lot of what you are talking about. Great job with your introduction, and I look forward to reading through your project later one!

  3. Storybook about a book! Very clever, I like it a lot! It seems like this book has so much to tell and its very intriguing, I want to read the stories. You don't really think about the life of a history book, or a book at all. I like how you are going to tell mystery stories and kind of explain the unknown in history. I haven't heard of the first three stories you mentioned in the book, but I am excited to read them! I also can't wait to read about Stone Henge because that just seems fascinating to me. I also like how the stories are all written by different authors, like you mentioned the mouse in the Lost City Of Kitezh. This book is almost like a history journal that people just add stories too and it seems like something I would love to read by candlelight in my room, which I know the book would appreciate too haha. Great start and I can't wait to read the mysterious history stories.

  4. Your storybook sounds like it is going to be so interesting! I really liked the style you are going to use. Doing it from the perspective of the book is so creative and intriguing. I also think it was great that you showed how a book might feel in modern day times. I must say I like handling a physical copy of a story more than reading it electronically so I sympathize with your narrator. All the stories that will influence the stories you tell sound like really good choices too. I think stonehenge is incredible and I did a report on it when I was in grade school. It is so mysterious that you can't help but be fascinated by it and ask yourself how and why. I am from Michigan and I really like lighthouses because there are a lot of them along the Great Lakes so the story about the lighthouse sounds really intriguing. I hope we get put into a group again so that I can read that one. Once again great job on the introduction it sounds like you are a pretty creative person.

  5. Hey, My name is Ashlie and I am just seeing your blog for the first time. It's great. I love the back ground you choose. I am also a fan of the white on black! I have the same in my blog. I find it that different things is what catch the readers eye.

  6. Hello Chandler! I really like the meme that you included. I've watched all the seasons of The Office and I loved it. As far as your Storybook goes, I really like that your title rhymes! Just one small suggestion would be for the Introduction to come before your stories just so that it stays in order. I also think it's cool that you told your introduction in the point of view of an inanimate object. I have written one of my stories this way and it really is a lot of fun. I think the idea of telling a story from a old book is unique. I liked your author's note and the background information and picture that you included. It was informative and your story was very well written. It was creative to have giants placing the stones where they are and it really is a mystery as to how they got there so it's cool that you thought of a fun story to explain how this came to be.

  7. Okay that song is glorious. I love when songs have such perfect and meaningful lyrics like this. I was a big fan of Switchfoot when I was younger; I saw them in a Winter Jam concert with Hawk Nelson and Mercy Me, I think? haha. But I honestly kind've just forgot about this group... but now my interest is sparked again! Great pick! Maybe you'll dance to this on your wedding day?

  8. Hey, first off I love your blog background! I love the snow and I am always so sad it doesn't snow here in Oklahoma. I am currently still wanting on winter. I am also a fan of your song. I have never heard it before. I like to see new and unique videos and song. I like to find the not so large artist.

  9. First off, I love the office! I haven't finished all the seasons yet. I'm on season eight and gah it's just so good! I laugh all the time! And yes I have also cried. I like your music video! I know a few switchfoot songs. This song is pretty chill. I might add it to my playlist. It fits well with your background too.

  10. Hey Chandler! Wow, a storybook about a book’s life, very creative idea! You introduction does a great job of setting the stage for what is to come. I also liked how well you described the narrator and that you don’t realize it is a book until the end of your description. Your story was well done, and I liked that it was set up similar to a mystery story style. It reminds me of when I was younger and would read Nancy Drew books with flashlights, past my bedtime! Stonehenge was a great choice as your opening story because it has a lot of options to go with. I think that as a whole you did a great job rewriting this tale, creatively, and giving it a fresh take! I hope you have a great rest of your semester and I can’t wait to read more of your stories once your storybook is complete!

  11. I like your choice for the music video and your meme made me laugh! If you like Switchfoot you should watch Fading West if you haven't already. It is about them going on tour and also a surfing trip at the same time. It gives a deeper look into their lives and I thought that it was really interesting. The movie made me a Switchfoot fan. I think it is cool you have such a vivid memory with this song because those are the best. Great choice!

  12. Hello Chandler. My name is Eaton Baptiste. I am in the Indian Epics class. I have heard of Switchfoot but I can't say that I follow their music. However, the song that you posted to your comment wall is pretty good. Maybe I will check out some of their other songs in the future. Also, your picture was pretty funny too.

  13. I think the song you chose has a good message. "I want to thrive, not just survive." I agree that these are really powerful lyrics. The melody and lyrics makes this kind of a sad song. It reminds me of somebody trying to find their way, but somebody who is not there yet. Thank you for sharing this song, it was cool.

  14. Hey Chandler! This is an awesome song, and I think its message resonates powerfully with a lot of people, including me. I've heard a few of Switchfoot's songs before, and I've always really liked the ones I've heard, but I'll have to check out more of their stuff! In the meantime, though, here's one of the ones I liked, Your Love is a Song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px0EXdyPkA0)--you've probably already heard it, but I thought I'd share!

  15. Hi Chandler!
    I love your song choice! I got stuck on your meme before that for a while because it is totally something I would say. I liked that you chose a slower song because sometimes they are more comforting than the typical upbeat, pop songs. I only know one Switchfoot song, and I really enjoyed getting to hear another one!

  16. This was a great Introduction to your storybook Chandler! I am interested in history so I really like the theme of your story. I have not heard of the specific historic events you mentioned in your introduction, so I will have to come back and read some of them later on. I think this was a very clever idea for a story book, to write about stories that a book has overheard. Once suggestion I have is to tell us the title of the book you are writing about. I think it could add another interesting detail to your story. I like the layout of your storybook, you might want to consider trying to make it feel old timey, to go along with the theme of your story, history. Just a suggestion! I like how you broke up this intro into many different small paragraphs, it was a really easy and captivating read. Keep up the great work!

  17. Hi Chandler, I am from the Indian Epics class and chose to read your storybook as one of my extra credit opportunities. I like the way that your storybook is set up. It is very clean and easy to navigate. The colors really compliment each other and do not distract me from the reading. I commend you on that. Your story about Stonehenge was really clever. I think it was creative how you made it a little/giant boy playing with blocks, but then he shrunk and no one knew how those rocks got the way they were. When I first read Winchester, I totally thought of Sam and Dean from Supernatural; however, I have actually read quite a bit about the Winchester House. It's such an odd mystery. I've always wanted to know why the house was the way it was. I liked that in this story you made it mostly consist of diary entries. That was very cool to read. Good job on your storybook! Keep up the good work and I hope to see what you continue to do with it.

  18. Your storybook is awesome! I just I especially liked the Sarah Winchester story; it was so creepy and interesting. I had never heard of her before, but your story really make me want to learn more. You did an excellent job drawing the reader in with the author's note at the begging and the explanation of just how mysterious Sarah was. Your whole idea for the storybook is amazing. I didn't do a storybook because I couldn't think of one topic that really interested me enough to spend a whole semester on, but if I had an idea as excellent as yours I think it would have been very fun to craft a storybook. I'm usually not much of a history person, but it mysteries really appeal to me. So does reading someone's diary, so this story was just perfect! I'm really looking forward to keeping up with your storybook!

  19. Hi Chandler! I am really excited about the two stories you have posted since the last time I looked at your storybook! I was not expected the outcome of Daniel’s Blocks at all, and I thought it was an extremely clever outcome. I think that the threat of performing magic really draws readers in, and keeps them on their toes in anticipation. I was so worried the entire time she was a giant that she was going to get caught, and something bad would happen to them both. Overall it was a great story! The Mystery of the Winchester House was equally as exciting, but in a different way. I had never heard of this mystery before, but it was a happy ending to something that could have turned into a really creepy story. I liked that she was able to help the little girl in the end. I look forward to reading your next story!

  20. I just read your story The Lost City of Kitzeh for my free choice reading this week! I was really pleased that I chose to read yours because I really enjoyed it!

    First of all, the layout of the story was done really well. It was very easy to follow and the simple black text on the white background was a welcome relief from the storybooks that use a lot of color. On a computer, sometimes it can create a lot of glare and yours did not! So thank you!

    Text wise, I think the dialogue helped a lot! It made the story flow really well and I think it helped develop the relationship between the mouse and the girl. I always really like stories where human and animals become friends because its such a difference from the real world. It’s also my lifelong dream to be able to talk to my pets, so it really hits a good note with me.

    Good luck with your storytelling and the rest of the semester!

  21. Hey Chandler!
    I chose your storybook this week for my free choice! I’m really glad that I did because it has been one of my favorite storybook ideas yet. I can tell there was a lot of thought put into this storybook idea!
    I think that telling your introduction from the perspective of a history book was such a clever idea, especially since your storybook breaks down into different mysterious stories from history.
    “There’s something magical about the unknown that makes you believe anything is possible…” I loved this quote from your introduction!
    I really enjoyed that your stories were non-fiction and based on truth because I actually felt like I was learning valuable information! These mysterious stories from history definitely make for an interesting storybook.
    Overall, I think you have an impeccable writing style that makes it fun to read! Keep up the good work in these last few weeks!

  22. Hi Chandler!
    I read the introduction before your first story and I thought it was so different and unique. It was one of my favorite introductions thus far; I couldn't wait to read your first story just so I could see how it would read. The picture you used in the beginning of the introduction was spot on! I loved it!
    Moving on to the first story in your storybook, I noticed right off your word choices. It was very descriptive and communicated exactly what the characters were going through.
    I liked that the subject of your story was a window! You are very creative!
    The characters in your story each have a strong presence which makes your story come alive. I liked the part about the wizard coming in and spreading his magic.
    I also enjoyed reading about the love Mirima had for her son Daniel. I just thought it was a neat story all the way around. Really good job!

  23. Hey Chandler,
    I chose to read your storybook for one of the nominated projects this week, which I had not read your storybook yet. I am really glad I made this choice because it has been one of the best and most interesting storybooks I have read this semester. I can tell that you really took your time and was very detailed in your storybook. It was a great idea to tell the introduction of your storybook from the perspective of a history book, which plays into the theme of you telling different mysterious stories from history. It really set up the rest of the storybook in a great manner and immediately grabbed my attention to start reading it. The characters in each story were very strong which helped bring your story to life. Also, I noticed your writing style and how it keeps the storybook fresh and enjoyable to read.

  24. I just read the story Daniel's blocks and I thought it was really good. I think it is hard to make a good story that incorporates magic without it being too crazy but you did a great job of it. I really enjoyed your writing and how you mixed in dialogue at the right times. I also like how you are writing as a book. All around the story and project is very creative and interesting. It is crazy to think how heavy those stones are at stonehenge and I often wonder how they really got there. I thought your reasoning for the origin of those stones was funny and creative. Great job all around on the storybook. I thought you deserved to be in the top five.

  25. Hi Chandler! I just got done reading "The Mystery of Winchester House," and wow, what a great story! I liked the diary/entry in the margins format you chose--and I liked that you didn't make it conventional! The part about the book she wrote in being Les Miserables was really clever. It was such a cool idea for you to write your Storybook as stories told by an actual book. Basically I could go on and on about the originality of this whole project--I am really impressed! The only thing I was a bit confused about was whether or not it was only one spirit or multiple spirits that came to her at one time--or did she only focus on one? It seems to me that would have been even more building for the poor foreman to handle if she'd tried to help more than one at a time...anyway, great job, and good luck for the rest of the semester!

  26. Hi Chandler! I just finished reading your storybook, and I loved your last two-part story! It was interesting that it was two parts, and after finishing the first I had to immediately read the second to find out what would happen to the city of Kitezh. When you first talked about how Reep should’ve known that he would never see his friend Alyona again I was afraid that she would be killed by the Mongols, and I really enjoyed that it wasn’t that predictable. Im really curious to know if Alyona actually could speak with the bird, or how she knew that they wouldn’t be harmed by the Mongolians. You really kept your reader interested to find out what would happen to the city. It really fell into place with your other stories as well because they have also been mysteries solved in ways you would never imagine. I think that is why your storybook has been one of the favorites! Great Job, and good luck with the rest of your semester!

  27. Hey Chandler!
    First of all I just want to comment how much I love your style and the idea behind your Storybook. I just love the idea of the book speaking about the people that have written in it. That bit of information by itself makes for a very interesting story to read because it makes me curious what the book is going to say next.
    Second, I think your writing is great! It always flows well and I feel like you put a lot of thought into your storytelling. There is never any unnecessary writing. Every single word has a statement to make within the sentence.
    I loved reading through The Mystery of Winchester House. It had a strong lead and strong ending. I also liked the style of journal entries in the main part of the story. Really awesome job on your Storybook! Enjoy your final days of the semester!
