Sunday, January 31, 2016

Famous Last Words: Week 2

The other day, I woke up and started thinking about the past few weeks of my life. My first thought was, "Dang, January has been a long month!"

It hasn't been bad, by any means, but so much has happened since the New Year began, I feel like I've lived a whole life in just four weeks! The month feels like it's stretched on forever. For instance, this is what I keep thinking...

It was December 31st when Josh took his DAT and told me his score, which was kind of a big deal. A major life step, even if it didn't go as well as he wanted.

And then, it was January when we left for Disney WorldJanuary 1st! We left to stay at my uncle's house in Midlothian, Texas, and our journey still hadn't officially begun. Since then, we've had an amazing (and long), much-anticipated road-trip as a couple, rocked Disney World (Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios, Animal Kingdom, even a bit of Disney Springs), gotten engaged (AH!), made the long trip home, visited my aunt in Arkansas, celebrated our engagement with my family, spent a week returning to "regular life" with new responsibilities at work, spent the rest of the time that week mentally preparing for the fact that I was moving out of my parents' house (and my little sister's, *sniff*), moved out, cleaned my new place, decorated my new place, started wedding planning, nailed down a cake, gelato, and coffee-bar caterer, started a new semester (Two weeks? We've only been in school for two weeks?), and decided I'm going to graduate in December. Of 2016, of course. It's all coming full-circle.
(My Brain this month)

Man, if that wasn't a run-on sentence if you've ever seen one... but that's what January feels like! One long, if not totally exciting, run-on sentence. But tomorrow is February. So if you've got another major event to throw at me, Life... better do it now, while it's still your month.

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