Thursday, January 21, 2016

Famous Last Words: Week 2

I know it's not quite the end of the week yet, but I want to write this anyway. It sort of feels like the days have flown by, with MLK day off, it being the first days of classes (usually less work), and only having one class on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

I like all of my classes so far, and it feels like they're all going to be pretty manageable. That is, if I can summon an idea for my novella. Once I have that, I'll feel a lot better about the rest of the semester. We'll have four weeks to write 20,000 words (5,000 a week), and then the rest of capstone should be like coasting downhill after killing yourself to pedal to the top. I just need to find a place to put my feet.

Yesterday, I went to my adviser and asked if I could graduate early (this December). Four years for me would end in May of 2017, but our wedding is in June, and I want time to find a full-time job and plan the wedding without school getting in the way.

So, after waiting through three other advising sessions, I walked into Monica's office, and the first thing she said was, "Let me see your ring!" It's nice to know that our advisers are interested in us on a personal level, too.

Anyway, because I'm ahead (hurray for concurrent enrollment in high school and an AP test!) and my last two semesters were going to be light anyway, I can do it! I can graduate in December. I'll have to take three summer classes and a full fifteen in the fall (surprisingly, I've actually never done that), but since they'll all be electives, it shouldn't be too difficult. I haven't officially told my parents yet... I guess part of me wants to get through the summer classes first. Last summer, I enrolled in one that was pretty difficult and ended up dropping it. I'll just need to choose wisely and remember why I'm taking the classes in the first place.

Here's to being done paying tuition before next year!

And then I'll get to pay for fun things, like insurance and phone bills. Yay!


  1. One of my friends wrote her novella last semester, it was a juicy Washington DC mystery. I know she struggled as well to start, but just find something you're passionate about and put it down on paper. Then maybe things will come a little easier. I know writers block isn't a fun thing to have. I am also in Gaylord, but a public relations major, so I fight with writers block sometimes too. As for graduating early... that is impressive! I too am finishing a semester early next December, and it was one of the hardest decisions I have had to make so far. I'm sure your parents will be so happy and so proud, as if they weren't already of you!

    1. Haha, is your "friend" Kendall Burchard, by any chance?
