Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Famous Last Words: Week 1

I'm glad (and a little proud of myself, but not very, since I feel it was necessary) that I decided to get ahead in this class before the semester officially started. My goal was to be an entire week ahead (finish Tuesday's assignment on Tuesday before school, weekend stuff before MLK Day, etc.), and I fell just short of that. I finished the weekend assignments today (Tuesday), but since we had no assignments for Monday, I think I should be able to "meet" my goal be the time the day is over.

One of the reasons I decided to get ahead is that I'm a little worried about this semester. (Although, thinking back, I think I get stressed before every semester starts. It takes me a while to "get in the groove," figure out my schedule, and realize that I can do the workload.) I still don't have an idea for my capstone (where we'll be writing a 20,000 word novella), and wedding plans are forcing themselves into my schedule, no matter how many times I tell them that the wedding is more than a year away.
(*wedding ring* Weddings are expensive. Meme courtesy of Post Memes)

I feel like I need to get ahead of the game to stay on top of the game, so that's my plan. I'm enjoying the assignments so far, since most of them involve writing our opinions. I also love writing stories, as long as I have an idea, and the assignments for this class look like they're going to spark many ideas. I'm happy with the short story I wrote, If the Boot Fits. It was a helpful way to get back into the storytelling groove, which is something I really need to do for my capstone. We haven't done much reading for this class yet, but I'm looking forward to investigating the "untold" stories of Mary that Laura recommended to me. 

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