Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Learning Challenges: my thoughts

I'm excited about the learning challenges; they all seem like fun ways to learn that would be a nice "break" from regular school work.

Health/Happiness is of particular interest to me because I love to learn about physical health any way I can--reading fitness magazines, working out regularly, taking classes. My minor is Health and Exercise Science, and I always enjoy learning new tips or facts that teach us how our body works in relation to our health and happiness. After watching The Amazing Effects of Gratitude and reading the idea for the "Happiness Jar," I want to merge the two ideas and implement them in my life. I'll either write a journal or a blog post (or both) and write one thing I'm thankful for and one thing that made me happy each day. It'll be nice to see all the positive things adding up!

I also love that "R" is reading! I've been an avid reader since I was little, so talking about books and reading are some of my favorite things. When I have spare time, I usually use it to read more. So that topic won't really be a challenge for me... but I like it.
(Library meme from Learning by Heart site)

P.S.- Does anyone know if OU will rent out The Great Reading Room for weddings...? *insert goofy smiley but also serious emojee here*

One thing that could be a challenge for me is empathy. I've never been an emotional person, and when other people get upset for a reason I don't understand, I have trouble sympathizing with them. (Sometimes my family refers to me as Sheldon.) I know I don't always give peoples' feelings the respect they deserve, so I want to do some of the empathy challenges as well.

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