Thursday, January 14, 2016

Introduction to an "ingaged" girl

As you may have read in my “Favorite Place” post, my boyfriend and I went on a trip to Disney World over the break. On our third night, he proposed, and since then, my life has been a whirlwind of “You’re engaged!”

On our way home, we stayed with my Aunt Debbie and Uncle Tim, who live in a big house in the woods in Arkansas. Debbie is one of the sweetest people I know, and after giving her a “thank you” gift for letting us stay with her, she brought out a big white box. “I was going to wait until later to show you this, but… I changed my mind!” she said. Smiling, she set the box on the table in front of us, revealing a cake with a photo of me and Josh (the one we’d posted on Facebook right after we got engaged) on the top! I’d never eaten a cake with my face on it before, so I thought it was pretty exciting—and incredibly sweet. No pun intended.
(Our cake, courtesy of Debbie Howard—she had it made the morning after she heard the news!)

When we got home, my dad and step mom had prepared a special dinner, complete with “engaged” themed sugar cookies from our neighbor, and popcorn with a sign that said, “He popped the question!” My seven-year-old sister made a poster with the words, “To the ingaged two: Have an ingaged welcome!” which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense grammatically, but was incredibly adorable. On the poster, she had drawn a picture of one monkey proposing to another monkey. (I don’t know why she decided to depict us as monkeys.)
(Ella's poster, which she hurried to finish before we arrived)
(Our neighbor Brooke's cookies; she's super talented!) 

On top of that, my mom has been calling and emailing with different venue ideas and requests to schedule appointments to visit places. On Saturday, we’re going to a bridal show in Tulsa. In short, I’m really excited about the engagement (mostly because I love Josh and I can’t wait to be married to him), but it appears my family is…even more excited. I guess it shows how much they love both of us, and I’m thankful for that.

Update: The initial excitement and flurry of activity has ebbed somewhat, replaced by the chaos and routine of school and my family focusing on their own lives. I miss the feeling, but I can't say I'm not happy things have quieted down a bit. And I do like my routine.

Despite the fact that things have settled down, though, I now have a baker (Amy Cakes!), a gelato/espresso bar (Il Dolce), and a DRESS picked out! I'll share a picture of the back, because I think that's safe, and it's not like my fiance is ever going to see this least, now he's definitely not. (By the way, Megan at Silhouette Bridal is the best! She's so sweet and accommodating and her shop is wonderful.)

(My wedding dress! That sounds so weird.)

Besides being engaged, I’ve been trying to focus on my “normal life.” So, as I push aside fleeting thoughts about cakes and dress ideas, I’m in the process of moving out of my parents’ house and into a house closer to campus with my best friend, Kessa. Kessa’s a dance major, and we’ve been best friends since we met in Kindergarten at Flower Mound elementary school. We both love dorky things like reading, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and… food—which is not so dorky. 
(Me and Kessa at our senior prom)

Update: I'm loving my new house, and living with my best friend! (And no, we still haven't become un-best friends because we live together.) Cooking for myself has been a blast, and I'm glad to have the practice. It's also great to live so close to campus, whereas before, I had to drive across town when I was done with class. I also think living with my two roommates instead of my family has given me the chance to focus more on school, because we're all doing school! (Instead of me holing up in my room while my family was watching a movie or something.)

   (Pot roast! MY first time using a CrockPot.                             (Mediterranean tilapia)
     Although I can't take credit for cooking 
     the meat; my grandma did that.  :p)
  (More tilapia, with mushrooms and veggies)     (This is actually the breakfast casserole and                                                                            sweet potato I made for Josh on Valentine's Day...
                                                                        it took an embarrassingly long amount of time to cook.)
(Oh look, more sweet potato.) 

On top of that, I’m working to “up my game” at my job, since we have a new owner and I’m having to learn new marketing skills. I’m the administrator at a CrossFit gym, and I introduce new clients, post the workouts, and do other tasks that none of the coaches need or want to do. I also love working out there.

Update: We just moved to our new location on Wellsite Drive, and we are officially CrossFit 405 South! It's been a lot of fun meeting the coaches from the other gym and adjusting to Aaron's programming. I also registered for The Open this year (first time!), and I'm competing in Bricktown Throwdown (team CrossFit competition) in May! I'm not much of a "competitor," so this is out of my "I really wanna do this" zone, but I am excited! The people in our gym are really fantastic and supportive.

(Me deadlifting at 405 South, taken by Ryan Pratt, coach)
So that's me, for now! My main focuses in life are Jesus, my family, and exercising (besides school), but as you can see, right now my engagement is clouding a lot of it. And I think I'm pretty much okay with that. I'm a professional writing major (less than a year to go!) and I'm excited about knocking out this semester! 


  1. Oh wow, Chandler, look at that cake! It's so cool: I can definitely imagine that actually consuming it would have felt kind of weird since it is part cake and part portrait! And I am guessing your sister Ella would do just fine in this class: turn people into monkeys? Absolutely! It's a storytelling thing. :-)

    Between these great events in your life and all your interests, I am sure you will find a good project for this class, and if it can be something useful to you in your future career as a writer, so much the better! Have fun!!!

  2. Congratulations on your engagement! That cake looks mighty delicious! Now you can say that you've eaten face cake. You're little sister's drawing made me chuckle because she drew two monkeys instead of two people. Your neighbor has a real talent with cookie decoration! I love how she made the Mickey and Minnie cookies! They're so neat and perfect that it would be impossible to bring myself to eat them. Good luck on planning your wedding and best wishes! :)

  3. Congratulations on your engagement, Chandler! I'm sure that is so exciting and such an indescribable feeling. I love how excited your family was for you after such a huge life event! I am not engaged myself, however I'm sure its wonderful to know that your family is so supportive of your future with someone that you love so much.

    I read your week 1 and week 2 storytellings before reading your introduction. Everything makes so much sense now that I know you are a professional writing major! Your stories show so much detail and thought, it was obvious from the start that you really enjoyed writing. I think this class would be so cool to take if I had as strong writing skills as you because it so creative and thought provoking! Also, I'm very impressed that you can lift the weights shown in the photo you included. I can barely pick up my backpack some days! (haha)

    I hope you have a great semester and I'm sure I will be visiting your blog again soon!

  4. Hello again, Chandler. Looks like you have a lot of things to keep you rather occupied, and the engagement is just the icing on top. Speaking of icing, that cake your aunt had made for your is so sweet and thoughtful! She was clearly very excited about the good news, but that doesn't beat your "ingagemnet" drawing by your little sister. I think that is so special that she decided to make a creation just for you, with her own personal touches in all aspects. Enjoy these moments!

  5. How exciting! Congratulations on your engagement, the whole thing sounds completely magical... especially for it to happen at Disney World. I love how your family was immediately so excited and so supporting... your little sister's drawing made my heart melt. You sound like you indeed have a lot to balance right now, but it's incredible how fast life moves, so enjoy every minute of your balancing act!

  6. Congratulations on your engagement! That is so exciting. I love that he proposed to you at Disney World. That was incredibly thoughtful of your aunt to have that cake made for you. It would be weird eating something with your face on it. Love the picture your sister made for you and that your family is so supportive of your engagement. I hope that you two have a long and happy life together.

  7. Chandler, congratulations on your engagement! How exciting that he proposed in Disney World! I am from Tulsa, so I was excited to see that you were going to a bridal show there; that sounds like a lot of fun! I also saw that you are a Harry Potter fan and I got so pumped up. I love those books/movies so much! I loved reading your introduction and I hope your wedding planning goes well! You will be a stunning bride!

  8. Hello Chandler! Congratulations on your engagement. How amazing that he proposed in Disney World. i know how it is a great feeling when you feel that all your family members supporting you and happy for your choices in life. That cake your aunt had made for you is so sweet. I also liked your little sister’s drawing very much. I hope your wedding planning goes well and i also hope you happy and wonderful life.

  9. First off, congratulations on your engagement! Nothing better than getting proposed to by the love of your life in the happiest and most magical place in the world! I wish you the best with your fiancé and I hope that all the wedding planning is very smooth and not too hectic! I think its awesome that your family supports you both in your engagement! Family is so important and it means a lot when they are on your side and are so supportive, positive, and happy!

  10. This seems like such a fun time for you! It's always nice to have help when you're planning something big and exciting that you've never done before, like a wedding! It's awesome that your family is so supportive! I also live with one of my best friends from elementary school! It's great, and especially fun when we start going down memory lane!

  11. Congratulations on your engagement! That's awesome that the proposal happened at Disney World, and that your family is equally excited about the wedding! It always makes things so much better when you have a great family and support system! I did crossfit for a bit at Koda, and loved it! I've kind of moved over to doing yoga and pilates, so I haven't been able to do as much crossfit as I would like with school and work and other activities! It's cool though that you're able to work for your gym! I've found that crossfit gyms have amazing community!
    Good luck with wedding planning!

  12. Congratulations! That is so exciting! My sister recently got engaged and it is just a whole new world with the planning for the wedding and all the parties! It is a lot of fun. The drawing of the monkeys getting "ingaged" made says "aww" very loud in the union and I might have gotten some stares, but it was worth it because that is too cute! One of my sisters is a kindergarten teacher and she always sends me the cutest things that the kids draw and it is too adorable! You are going to have so much fun preparing for the wedding. Everytime I go wedding dress shopping with my sister I want to try on all the dresses because they are just so beautiful, but she always tells me I have to wait for my time. Good Luck with all the planning and congratulations again!

  13. And the congratulations just keep coming... but now it is my turn! Congratulations on your recent engagement and I pray that you have a beautiful marriage! Thank you for sharing your wonderful news with us! I loved the picture your sister drew! It looks exactly like something my niece would draw for me. Good luck preparing for the wedding and on the rest of your semester!!!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Congratulations on your engagement! One of my friends just got engaged over the weekend too... I literally said "aw" when I read the popcorn "popped the question" part. I love puns. That was so sweet of your sister and neighbors. Congrats on the move too, and that you're still best friends lol. Your dress looks beautiful, and I'm sure your wedding will be amazing!
