Sunday, March 6, 2016

New Time Plan

At the beginning of the semester, I knew my Mondays were going to be pretty full, so I planned my week for this class to start on Tuesday. However, as the semester progressed, and all my classes sort of "developed," I realized that this class is one I'm better able do small amounts throughout the day (for the most part), while some of my other classes (namely capstone) require larger chunks of unbroken time.

And on Monday, I actually do have a big chunk of time in the middle of my day with no class. I didn't know this before the semester started, because I didn't realize how my "blended" History of Journalism class worked. 

For this reason, I've decided to "change" my schedule. And by change, I mean write down what I've been doing instead of what I wrote at the beginning, because what I'm doing is working really well.
  • Monday: 2-3 hours (between 1:30 and 4:30, and sometimes when I run out of things to do in the morning at work) Sometimes I can get both readings done on a Monday, little by little throughout the day, and some before bed. Otherwise, I at least do the first one.
  • Tuesday: 1 hour (if I haven't already finished the second reading, I do that. If I have, sometimes I write the story on Tuesday. Otherwise, I like to use my big break for writing my novella.)
  • Wednesday: 2-3 hours (same as Monday; this is usually Storytelling day, unless I'm ahead)
  • Thursday: I have 3 solid hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and if I'm not in the mood to write for my capstone, I usually finish the week here, and do some extra credit. Obviously, I have to wait to do blog commenting, though. 
  • Friday: Finish whatever isn't done
  • Weekend: do more extra credit if I feel like it
Basically, my plan is to get/stay ahead, and then for everything else, I sort of just do what I'm in the mood to do. I have set working hours, but I'm not always in the mood to work on my novella, or to think of a story idea for this class, so I just do whatever I can make myself do at the moment. And when I lose all motivation (which has happened a little too frequently in the past week—at least, more than I'm comfortable with), then I'll just think about graduation (December), moving on with my life (January-June), and getting married (JUNE. 2017.)

Fortunately, my semester should actually get easier after Spring Break, or at least be the same. My novella will be done, so that will be a big project out of the way. I'll have to pick up the pace for my group project in Health Promotion Evaluation, though, so that might level it out.

That's how I feel sometimes. Like I'm pulling all the weight (SOMETIMES), but we're also getting nowhere. I really hate group projects. They're so much more complicated than just doing something by yourself. Group discussion? Great. Project? No, thank you.

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