Monday, March 7, 2016

Blog Ideas

I was a fan of how Jasmine's background in her blog was stationary when you scrolled down the pages. If you're going to pick a fun background you like, you want your readers to see it! This way, they don't lost it when they start reading the story.

I also liked that the links (like the reply button) were all in bright pink, so they were easy to find.

I guess mine is actually the same way... my links are blue and my background doesn't move, but the picture thing was less noticeable on mine because she had a translucent base for her text.

I loved Caitlin's blog! I loved how Harry Pottery it was, and that the background picture reminded me of Hogwarts. The first thing that caught my eye was the font of the header, and I think I want to use it in my own blog. I also thought the colors matched the mood really well, so now I'm considering toning down my bright blue font to something a little more mellow.

My favorite thing about Madison's blog was that she had a toolbar at the top for viewers to get from page to page, rather than just the long list of tags on the right side of the page. This just seemed cleaner and more efficient to me for some reason, so I'd like to learn how to do that for my own blog. I wonder if I can just add a few pages, or if it would have to be everything that's also a tag...

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