Friday, February 19, 2016

Famous Last Words: Week 5

Geeze, February, where did you go?? I know it's a shorter month, but still. I can't believe it's almost over, and that it's almost March...isn't March when we have spring break??

I'm already almost halfway done with my novella (at least according to word count). We're scheduled to finish them before spring break, which just seems nuts to me. But I'm glad, too, to have such big project completed and out of the way before we're barely halfway done with the semester. Everything after that will seem like a piece of peanut butter cake.

And still, I'm enjoying my writing! (I guess I should, since that's my major, and later possibly my profession...) I like this story better than my novel from last semester. I feel like I connect with the character better; probably because I gave her a little sister like mine, and although she has the ability to turn into any reptile, she lives in a "modern" world on a magical country—unlike my novel, where the character was taken from this world and ended up in a completely new, magical place. That was harder for me to write, because I had to create an entirely new world. And, well. I'm not God. It was like trying to create this...
(Map of Tolkien's Middle Earth)
(Tolkien's balrog

Versus trying to create something more like this:

Not to say the world of Harry Potter wasn't new in itself, but in my story, there are more elements of the real world that make it easier for me to make connections. 

I'm sure this doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but I get it. 

On another note, this writing has really made me want to reread Harry Potter... something I frequently long to do, but resist in order to make time for new stories. 

Sigh. Decisions. Book struggles. My to-read list grows every day. 

I wasn't super thrilled with my story for this week (in this class). Nothing really stuck out to me in the stories I least, not in the sense that I found a new story I wanted to create from them. Maybe it was just because I've been so focused on my novella because that's something I'm pretty excited about. 

Maybe this is just a lesson to write more of my milestone before I write my story for this class; then, maybe, I won't just be itching to get back to writing my novella while I'm trying to think of a simpler short story.

That gives me an idea, though...I could write my stories from the perspective of characters in my novella! That might be fun, and it would give me a way to work on my novella (not directly, but some character development or scene setting) while writing a fun story for this class! Ooh, how writing makes my brain work. Thinking doesn't do much for me, but if I start writing it down, thoughts come clearer. 

I won't bother to talk about History of Journalism or my Health Promotion Evaluation class. Because...because.

Dance class, though! I wish I had a picture of our class dancing. It's an enjoyable class, if I'm not totally swamped by the time I get there. Our instructor, Rose, is great. She knows how to make it fun but teach us at the same time. She's also super pretty and enjoyable to watch. She was totally made to be a dancer. 

Things are good.  :)  I'm excited it's Friday, and my classes and work are going well. I can't complain! I want to find a venue soon, and that's a little frustrating, but I know it will work out when it needs to. On a random note, I've got the super-munchies. I want to eat everything. And no, I'm not high, and I also shouldn't be PMSing, so I don't know what it is. (I'm sure you wanted to know that.) 

Here is where I would insert a funny "eat everything!" meme if I could find one labeled for reuse, or knew how to create my own.

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