Monday, February 8, 2016

Famous Last Words: Week 3

Things are picking up! (As if they were slow before...)

The crazy month of January may be over, but February doesn't seem like it will be any slower. This week, I have a test, a quiz, a video day in dance, and I'll start actually writing my novella (5,000 words a week—for one class—here I come!). That's not to mention all the reading and writing from this class.

I am proud of what I accomplished this past week, though. I got my outline ready, kept up with my homework, made a lot of progress at work with our leads, (I feel like I'm finally getting into a groove there), and I cleaned my house. I also somehow managed to spend time with Josh over the weekend, which is always nice, and something I didn't think I would have time for these past few days.

I'm actually pretty excited about my storybook. I didn't think I would be, since it seemed like a big project I would have to squeeze into my schedule, but when I view it as writing four interesting stories (without the stricter guidelines of my PW class), it sounds fun. I love stories; I always have, and this is just an opportunity to explore that passion. I'm interested in learning about the historical mysteries, too, especially the Scottish Lighthouse. My dad's side of the family is from that area originally, and I've always wanted to visit Scotland or Ireland. Maybe I could tie the story into my lineage...

I'm also pretty proud of how I've handled moving out/in. This semester is the first time I've lived "on my own" since freshman year in the dorms. I lived with my parents the other semesters to save money, and I didn't have to worry about buying groceries or things like toilet paper. But it's the start of my fourth week as an "independent" (after my parents and grandparents helped a lot with the initial move-in expenses), and I think I've done a good job of budgeting for groceries, cooking, and taking care of things in general. I've always been independent, though. Even when I lived with my parents, I did all the cleaning, and cooked quite a bit for myself anyway. So that part isn't new to me.
(My first batch of homemade popcorn at my house! I eat a lot of popcorn, always stove-made, so this was a pretty monumental moment.) 

Anyway, it's been fun living with my best friend again, and living with two other college students (who are gone or studying a lot) has actually helped me be more productive. At home, I talked to my parents, spent time with my little sister, we would eat together, someone would need help with something... all good things, but not super conducive to studying. At my house, Kessa and I spend a lot of time in our own rooms, getting things done. With my parents, that made me feel like I was missing out, but now, since that's what we're all doing, it's a lot easier.

And with that, here's to another week of hard-core study/work sessions at home or the library! :p

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