Monday, April 4, 2016

Reading Diary: Week 11: Looking Glass

Through the Looking Glass, by Lewis Carroll (1871)

I had to read this unit! I read Alice and Wonderland about a year ago and have been wanting to read Through the Looking Glass ever since. Plus, my group in capstone is writing a radio play that takes place in Wonderland!

Looking Glass House: I think one of the things that makes this section so easy-to-read and fun is the fact that it's written in Alice's dialogue as she talks to her cat. It's a little different than a first-person narrator, but offers the same in-your-head perspective. Then we have the fun lines from Carroll to supplement and explain.

How clever and simple of Lewis to create an entire story about a world which we can never see--the one behind our mirrors. It's the same way we make pictures out of clouds but cant ever touch them...maybe I'll write a story about the pictures I see in the clouds.

"'Imperial fiddlestick!' said the King, rubbing his nose, which had been hurt by the fall. He had a right to be a LITTLE annoyed with the Queen, for he was covered with ashes from head to foot." I really do love lines like this. They remind me of C.S. Lewis, the way the narrator seems to be leaning over and whispering some useful bit of information in the reader's ear.

I love poem of The Walrus and the Carpenter. It's so strange, but the verse and odd little plot line keep it moving along, and it's fun to read. Maybe I'll make my cloud story into a cloud poem instead...

I have the stanza "The time has come..." memorized for some reason, and it might be fun to write a short story describing those odd things... a story about shoes and ships and ceiling wax and whether pigs have wings...and of course, why the sea is boiling hot (when it is not).

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